Williamdarand Wiki

Background Information[]

Karya favors passive magic and has an innate understanding of both animals and people. Karya and Daphne were purchased by Vince at a slave auction.


Wild Wastes Spoilers

Karya is the grove wife to Blue and Green. She was with Vince, Thera, and Eva(WW) when they freed the slaves of Verix, and was instrumental in getting them safely to Yosemite. Karya was killed in battle against the Tri-lliance. Though she would have returned on her own in time, Vince had his brother, Felix Campbell, resurrect her (along with Daphne and Green) rather than wait.

First Appearance[]

Wild Wastes Ch. 21 Pg. 175

Appearances in other Novels[]

Wild Wastes: Eastern Expansion

Wild Wastes: Southern Storm

Super Sales on Super Heroes 3
