Williamdarand Wiki

Background Information[]

Kit Carrington was a member of the Guild of Super Heroes, known as Augur. She is a telepath of considerable power. She had no control over the magnitude of thoughts incoming and wore a special helmet to block them out.


Super Sales on Super Heroes series

Kit Spoilers
Kit Carrington is one of two burned and blackened near death bodies purchased by Felix Campbell from the slave market. Once restored to full health, she discovers that Felix can modify her telepathic ability to manageable levels and she no longer needs a helmet.

Kit helps Felix to realize many new ways in which he can use his powers.

Kit becomes the Head of HR when Legion is formed. Felix continues to do kind acts to appease the hero in Kit. Kit allows herself to be captured by the Heroes Guild only to choose to go back to the Legion in the end.

Kit along with Lilian Lux travel through a portal in order to stop invaders from another world and are stranded there. Runner Norwood alters them so that they will be able to survive until they can be rescued by Felix.

Powers and Abilities[]

Character Sheet
Name: Kit Carrington
Alias: Augur
Primary Power: Directed Telepathy (Owner included) (91)
Secondary Power: Directed Telekinesis (45)
Third Power: Illusions (Physical Projections) (?)
Fourth Power: Portal Control (?)
Strength: 51
Dexterity: 54
Agility: 48
Stamina: 46
Wisdom: 72
Intelligence: 80
Luck: 41

First Appearance[]

Super Sales on Super Heroes Ch.3 Pg.24

Appearances in other Novels[]

Super Sales on Super Heroes 2

Super Sales on Super Heroes 3


Cameos (Spoiler)

Kat with CCMI

Swing Shift

Swing Shift 2

Swing Shift 3

