Welcome to the Arand/Darren Wiki-
This Wiki is meant to be used as a source of information for the various worlds, characters, and places that can be found in the books.
Please note, that character pages will/may have spoiler information.
Proceed with caution.
Please read and understand the Contribution guidelines before posting.
Jump Off Point-
Pick your series, and dive on in:
- William D. Arand:
- Randi Darren:
The Connection/Universe Question-
What books are connected in the same Universe? And how?
That question can be answered in the following link, please note however, that this will be a massive spoiler. It's not recommended unless you've already read the books: Timeline/Universe
Fanmade connection chart created by The Bread Man (AKA The Bread Legate): https://app.milanote.com/1Nz3Vj1jJO46cJ?p=RKj8PRJQ1YN